Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Out with the old… in with the other stuff

What is new? With the economy on the fritz you have to wonder what will come of marketing. Will everyone go grassroots? GM doesn't...

Business 2.0, 3.0, or whatever.0

If you were in charge of marketing yourself what would be the first thing you'd work on? Your personality? Resume? Network? Social network? All...

Share? What do you mean share? It’s called stealing

Too many companies fear crowds. They fear these crowds might link to their videos. Are they afraid of success? Of course not, the funny...

Some companies get it–some don’t

Here are three companies and I'm wondering if you can guess which two understand their customers and how to reward their patronage:1. Borders2. Barnes...

Sometimes the wrong move creates an opening for your worst enemies

A few days ago Google released their browser Chrome. It's got some neat features but you have to wonder if this doesn't create an...

Children say the simplest things and we should, too

Marketing people can learn a lot from their kids--or other people's kids. Kids tend to put things in the simplest of terms and rarely...

The best kind of marketing–free.

My wife's friend offered a free photo shoot for any friend who could help her rename her company. My argument was using her name...

How to spread great word of mouth about your product/service

Recently on vacation my wife and I took a Kayak tour in Kauai, Hawaii. Not only was the guide extremely nice, but he was...

The future online and everywhere is analytics

This is getting old for many people who know me, but recently a friend turned me on to a book that I would have...

Social media is what you make it

Yes, social media is what you make it. And really, you need to make the best of it. Trying to do something quick and...
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