Wednesday, February 12, 2025

10 Google Chrome plugins for SEO and developers

Broken Link Checker - is a link checker that crawls through your webpage and looks for broken links. Check My Links is an...

Google Trends Examples: How to research your business

So what is Google Trends? I hate to start super simplistically, but the majority of those who stumble upon this blog are at that...
itunes logo

How to change iTunes country on iPhone

Change your country on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Tap iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store. At the bottom of the Featured page, tap Sign...

The Netflix way

I wrote a few days ago about how Sony doesn't care about you or I because they just blast us with the same emails....

How newspapers can run themselves out of business

The geniuses are at it in Philly. The Philadelphia Inquirer has decided not to publish news first on the web. Nope, they want to...

Free pizza and motor oil

Although those of us with marketing degrees hate to admit it, but marketing is often common sense. So, when you own a restaurant and...

Why a website can really save you money

Recently I had a problem with a hinge on my Dell laptop. I called Dell and thanks to our company's service agreement they came...

Why buying software sucks

Recently our company had to buy an editorial system. That has nothing to do with our website's content management system--except that the company that...
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