Wednesday, February 12, 2025
tesla class variables

How to create Python class variables

Python is an incredibly powerful language. Learning how to create Python class variables is part of developing an object-oriented programming method. Creating individual objects...

Fix: sudo: port: command not found

I'm trying to setup Python 2.7 and SciPy and hit a major roadblock. I kept getting sudo: port: command not found On Mac OSX, I'm...
machine learning

Machine Learning: Creating vectors, matrix and arrays

To get started in machine learning there are some basics that you need to know and understand before you can ever just start coding...
google cloud platform

How to run notebook in Google Cloud for Machine Learning

Step one: Go to Google Cloud Platform and create a Project. Step two: Click Activate Cloud Shell Step three: In the console you will want to...
pandas python

How to add a column to pandas dataframe

Pandas allow for many methods for adding and dropping content. We have covered how to drop a column and how to drop a row...

R Studio: How to replace row header names with your names

Check out the solution to this problem on the new data science solutions site I created

How to get a bitcoin wallet

After how to get bitcoin, the most often asked question is how to get a bitcoin wallet. New bitcoin wallets are being released all of...

Analyzing NFL Concussion data for Kaggle Data Science Competition

Recently, I entered the NFL Concussion on punt returns contest for data scientists. It wasn't the normal machine learning problem. In fact, it is...

What is the difference between data science vs data analytics?

Perhaps you are at the beginning of your career or making a change in your career and want to know the difference between data...
machine learning

Machine Learning Algorithms for beginners

Below are some basics on machine learning algorithms. This is for beginners who are trying to get a better understanding about machine learning and...
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