Histogram in R: How to example using NFL QB data
A histogram in R is very useful to use when you want to see more detail on all of the data within your data...
Learning R plot with NFL Data wins vs. yards allowed
R plot data doesn't need to be boring. Being an NFL football fan has made it a lot more interesting to create lessons on...
How to merge data frames in R
You will find occasions when you'll need to merge data from two different data frames. In order to merge two datasets you are required...
How to run a cross table in R
Running a cross table, or cross tab, in R is useful for a number of applications for data research. In the example below, we...
What is Conditional Probability and formula?
Conditional probability is used to find out the probability of some event happening given that some other event has happened. Easy right?
Therefore, conditional probability...
How to Get, Set or Change your working directory in R
If you are just starting out in R it'll be important to know how to determine your working directory or how to find the...
How to use the quantile function in R
The quantile function in R displays sample quantiles corresponding to given probabilities. The smallest observation corresponds to a probability of 0 and the largest...
How to Import Data as CSV into R
There are a few different ways to import data into R. We will cover two ways in this post, downloading a file from the...
What is Random Sampling and How to run it in R
We will walk you through how to run random sampling in R, but first lets discuss what is random sampling and why is it...
Learn how to use lapply in R
The lapply function in R applies a function to elements in a list or a vector and returns the results in a list.