Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Solved: SSL: certificate verification failed with R and twitteR

Have you been trying to use R and hook it up with something like twitteR and got an SSL error message? Me too. But I...
data science

Solved: Error: could not find function “cast”

If you've been trying to cast in R and have run into the following error: Error: could not find function "cast" Then here is the solution....
data science

Error: Cannot change working directory in R Studio

I had initially set it to be setwd(“Users/myname/datascience”) make sure you have the initial / so it is this: setwd("/Users/charliecraine/datascience") another method is that under the Files...

R Studio: How to replace row header names with your names

Check out the solution to this problem on the new data science solutions site I created

CSS vs. CSS3: What is the difference between CSS and CSS3

The first thing you need to know is that CSS3 is the latest standard for CSS. And, CSS3 is backwards-compatible with earlier versions of...
r programming

How to read a table in R

Reading a table in R is quite straight-forward. We are going to read a table from the web and also one locally. If you...

How to buy bitcoin instantly

The biggest question everyone has is: how do you go about getting your first bitcoin? The most difficult task for new users is to acquire...
r programming

How to: Import NFL Data into R / R Studio – HTML import

If you want to start running some cool analysis on NFL data (or any other sport for that matter) there are a number of...
r programming

How to: Create column names in R / R Studio

If you want to create your own headers there is an easy way to do that. You can use the optional col.names argument to...
python function example

How to: A simple Python Function example

Functions in Python can be simple or extraordinarily complex. This will teach you how to write a simple Python Function example. From there you...
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