Wednesday, February 12, 2025

How to Get, Set or Change your working directory in R

If you are just starting out in R it'll be important to know how to determine your working directory or how to find the...
r programming

How to read a table in R

Reading a table in R is quite straight-forward. We are going to read a table from the web and also one locally. If you...

How to Import Data as CSV into R

There are a few different ways to import data into R. We will cover two ways in this post, downloading a file from the...
r programming

What is Random Sampling and How to run it in R

We will walk you through how to run random sampling in R, but first lets discuss what is random sampling and why is it...

How to generate random numbers and set seeds in R

Lets learn how to generate random numbers in R. There might be occasions where you'd want to draw random numbers but want to be...
r programming

How to use the str function in R

What is str? Str is a compact way to display the structure of an R object. This allows you to use str as a...
r programming

Learn how to use lapply in R

The lapply function in R applies a function to elements in a list or a vector and returns the results in a list. lapply(list,...

How to use the Apply function in R

Previously we showed you how to write a loop in R. Very often it's a better idea to use the apply function in R...
r programming

How to program a For Loop in R

Just apply! What does that even mean? Well, some R programmers will tell you to use the apply function (lapply or sapply) to loop....
r programming

R Programming: Example of how to write a function in R

What is a function? A function allows you to create a program that has a set of instructions that you use repeatedly or contains...
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