What is Conditional Probability and formula?
Conditional probability is used to find out the probability of some event happening given that some other event has happened. Easy right?
Therefore, conditional probability...
Machine Learning: Creating vectors, matrix and arrays
To get started in machine learning there are some basics that you need to know and understand before you can ever just start coding...
Best practices for naming variables in Python
When naming variables in Python there are some best practices that we will discuss. If you don't follow the best practices you'll get errors...
Learning R plot with NFL Data wins vs. yards allowed
R plot data doesn't need to be boring. Being an NFL football fan has made it a lot more interesting to create lessons on...
Solved: SSL: certificate verification failed with R and twitteR
Have you been trying to use R and hook it up with something like twitteR and got an SSL error message?
Me too. But I...
Solved: Error: could not find function “cast”
If you've been trying to cast in R and have run into the following error:
Error: could not find function "cast"
Then here is the solution....
Analyzing NFL Concussion data for Kaggle Data Science Competition
Recently, I entered the NFL Concussion on punt returns contest for data scientists. It wasn't the normal machine learning problem. In fact, it is...
How to fillna in pandas in Python
We are going to show you how to fillna using pandas in Python. No dataset is going to come perfect and ready to go....
How to drop columns in a pandas dataframe
Pandas is a great tool for working on any machine learning or data science project. It's a fundamental part of data wrangling. In this...
How to run iPython notebook online for Machine Learning projects
Recently Google had a Kaggle image contest with test and train image dataset files that were well over a TB in size. My Macbook...