Tuesday, October 15, 2024
AI underwater

AI that de-hazes and adds color to underwater photos

Ever seen that submerged pictures have a tendency to be blurry and somewhat twisted? That is because phenomena such as light attenuation and...
Google AI chief Jeff Dean

Google AI chief outlines machine learning trends in 2020

At the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) conference in Vancouver, Canada, Google AI chief Jeff Dean, gave talks at workshops about how machine learning...

New Research Shows Artificial Intelligence (AI) May Replace Invasive Glucose Testing

Today, measuring blood glucose involves pricking a finger with a needle attached to a device. The blood sample is then analyzed by a continuous...
machine learning

AI to Develop and Bring New Drugs to Market Faster

Artificial intelligence could cut down the time it takes to develop and bring new drugs to the market, according to the National Academy of...

Germany is falling behind the rest of the world on artificial intelligence

Smart devices outfitted with voice-controlled digital assistants are omnipresent now -- and likely featured under many Christmas trees this holiday season. These programs perform...
AI Goalie

Watch an AI goalie psych out its opponent — Nerd hilarious

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqlfLk82T3E No, the red player in the video above is not having a seizure. And the blue player is not drunk. Instead, you...

Evolution Algorithms? Scientists create first living machine made of 100% frog DNA

Scientists used computer algorithms to mimic evolution made of 100% frog DNA. Well, it kind of evolved since it's not really a frog. Researchers...
machine learning

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market

Michael Webb, Standford University, has developed a new method to predict the impacts of technology on occupations. Webb used the overlap between the text...
AI blur

Scientists Developed an AI System that Removes Blur from Images in Post-Production

Scientists at the Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence in the United Arab Emirates, the Beijing Institute of Technology and Stony Brook University have developed...
Tesla interior

U.S. government go light on regulations for AI contrasting Europe’s tougher regulations

The Trump administration rolled out new non-binding guidelines for regulating driverless cars and trucks with an aversion to "innovation-killing" mandates. This contrasts Europes tougher...
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