How to Autopost from WordPress to Twitter


I was trying to to take a step out of posting something on WordPress and then the need to go to Twitter to post. There is a great plugin WordPress to Twitter that autoposts, lets you and even stop a post from going to Twitter. It had every feature I wanted and have been using for a few weeks and just thought I’d let everyone know about it.

The WP-to-Twitter plugin posts a Twitter status update from your blog. URLs can be shortened using a variety of services; the focus is on services which provide statistics for the link. Available shorteners are,, Yourls, and WordPress.

The plugin can send a default message for updating or editing posts or pages, but also allows you to write a custom Tweet for your post which says whatever you want. Both custom Tweet texts and your default message supports a variety of shortcodes to substitute your blog title, post title, etc., in your tweeted update.

Any status update you write which is longer than the available space will automatically be truncated by the plugin. This applies to both the default messages and to your custom messages.

Download it here.

Here is how you install:
Upload the `wp-to-twitter` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
Activate the plugin using the `Plugins` menu in WordPress
Go to Settings > WP->Twitter
Adjust the WP->Twitter Options as you prefer them.
Provide your OAuth integration keys.
Optional: Provide your URL shortener API key if you want to have statistics available for your URL.
That’s it! You’re all set.


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