Friday, April 19, 2024
r programming

How to read a table in R

Reading a table in R is quite straight-forward. We are going to read a table from the web and also one locally. If you...

How to Import Data as CSV into R

There are a few different ways to import data into R. We will cover two ways in this post, downloading a file from the...
r programming

What is Random Sampling and How to run it in R

We will walk you through how to run random sampling in R, but first lets discuss what is random sampling and why is it...
data science

Solved: Error: could not find function “cast”

If you've been trying to cast in R and have run into the following error: Error: could not find function "cast" Then here is the solution....
r programming

How to use the str function in R

What is str? Str is a compact way to display the structure of an R object. This allows you to use str as a...
r programming

Learn how to use lapply in R

The lapply function in R applies a function to elements in a list or a vector and returns the results in a list. lapply(list,...

How to use the Apply function in R

Previously we showed you how to write a loop in R. Very often it's a better idea to use the apply function in R...
r programming

How to program a For Loop in R

Just apply! What does that even mean? Well, some R programmers will tell you to use the apply function (lapply or sapply) to loop....
r programming

R Programming: Example of how to write a function in R

What is a function? A function allows you to create a program that has a set of instructions that you use repeatedly or contains...

R Studio: How to replace row header names with your names

Check out the solution to this problem on the new data science solutions site I created
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