Machine Learning: Creating vectors, matrix and arrays
To get started in machine learning there are some basics that you need to know and understand before you can ever just start coding...
Analyzing NFL Concussion data for Kaggle Data Science Competition
Recently, I entered the NFL Concussion on punt returns contest for data scientists. It wasn't the normal machine learning problem. In fact, it is...
How to fail and still succeed – a little data science fun
This past week has been brutal on my sinuses. And being that I'm the type who has to find some science in nearly everything....
How I got a Perfect Score on a Kaggle NLP with Disaster Tweets Competition
I love Kaggle. I love the competition and testing my skills against brilliant data scientists from around the world. Today I decided to get...
What is the difference between data science vs data analytics?
Perhaps you are at the beginning of your career or making a change in your career and want to know the difference between data...
Genetic Programming is an awesome way to tackle machine learning problems
I don't know how I missed out on genetic programming. I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the ground. It reminds me...
How I wrote a terrible machine learning Nirvana song
We all see articles on how this is successful or that is successful and we get to brag about our successes. But what about...
Set up the best parameters for Deep Learning RNN with Grid Search
Most of the time I've spent on Kaggle contests have been hyperparameter optimization. It's a major part of deep learning and fine tuning if...
Machine Learning NFL: My rule changes for punts
The NFL has created a competition in an attempt to reduce concussions on punt plays. Read more about the competition in my previous post....
How to make the first row in your spreadsheet or dataframe the header in...
If you have imported a CSV file into your notebook and use Pandas to view the dataframe you might find that the header of...