How I got a Perfect Score on a Kaggle NLP with Disaster Tweets Competition
I love Kaggle. I love the competition and testing my skills against brilliant data scientists from around the world. Today I decided to get...
Feature Engineering: LabelEncoder sklearn example
A big part of machine learning is data cleanup and feature engineering. A good tool in your data science toolkit will be label encoding....
How I wrote a terrible machine learning Nirvana song
We all see articles on how this is successful or that is successful and we get to brag about our successes. But what about...
Machine Learning NFL: My rule changes for punts
The NFL has created a competition in an attempt to reduce concussions on punt plays. Read more about the competition in my previous post....
Set up the best parameters for Deep Learning RNN with Grid Search
Most of the time I've spent on Kaggle contests have been hyperparameter optimization. It's a major part of deep learning and fine tuning if...
How to fail and still succeed – a little data science fun
This past week has been brutal on my sinuses. And being that I'm the type who has to find some science in nearly everything....
Data Wrangling Part 2: Cleaning up Ohio Crime Data for Machine Learning
In a previous post, I discuss cleaning public Ohio crime data. As I start to get deeper into the data, and go through years...
Curious about Ghost Blogging Platform?
What is Ghost?
According to their website: "Ghost is an Open Source application which allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you...
How to program a For Loop in R
Just apply! What does that even mean? Well, some R programmers will tell you to use the apply function (lapply or sapply) to loop....
R Programming: Example of how to write a function in R
What is a function? A function allows you to create a program that has a set of instructions that you use repeatedly or contains...