Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Customer Service

I went into a local Radio Shack looking for an enclosure for a hard drive. The bad news was they didn't have it.. the...

We gonna rock down to YouTube

You know where my favorite place is to hear new music? YouTube. And not the videos--just songs people upload to nothing more than...

The economies of pal

In the midst of all the economic upheaval there has never been a better time than now to join forces with other companies. Friend...

What does your customer want?

So what do your customers want? I have no idea. Have you ever asked them?Ask yourself one question: Why do I make my product/service/etc.?Then...

Why buying software sucks

Recently our company had to buy an editorial system. That has nothing to do with our website's content management system--except that the company that...

Why a website can really save you money

Recently I had a problem with a hinge on my Dell laptop. I called Dell and thanks to our company's service agreement they came...

Free pizza and motor oil

Although those of us with marketing degrees hate to admit it, but marketing is often common sense. So, when you own a restaurant and...

How newspapers can run themselves out of business

The geniuses are at it in Philly. The Philadelphia Inquirer has decided not to publish news first on the web. Nope, they want to...

The Netflix way

I wrote a few days ago about how Sony doesn't care about you or I because they just blast us with the same emails....

Rock Star 101

Here is the dilemma. Your a rock star and you need to sell CDs. Remember those? The round plastic spinning things? Well those CDs...
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