In-And-Out burger lines them up
Does your business have anything that gets customers lining up outside waiting for you to open? Every time they open a new story people...
I love being rewarded
We've all experienced the teenager at the grocery store pushing a huge line of shopping carts back to the store. The guys at Target...
Comcast’s deal of duh
I love Comcast's deal where they give you a $20 credit if they are 20 minutes late. How hard is it to be on...
Who’s to blame for the newspaper business?
That's easy to answer. Newspapers are to blame. Elitism is to blame. Arrogance is to blame. I could go on but I won't. This...
What is your company dabbling in?
I have friends who run businesses. Friends who work at all different types of companies and the government. What does everyone one of them...
Social media is what you make it
Yes, social media is what you make it. And really, you need to make the best of it. Trying to do something quick and...
How to add an indent in Python Shell IDLE
Okay, this seems easy enough unless you are a newbie to Python language. I've been learning it as well and found that creating a...
Best and worst time to be in marketing
The internet can make or break a company. Ever stay up late and watch an infomercial? It used to be a lot different fifteen...
Service? Who gives a crap about service?
Today at the gym I saw a trainer texting while his client was killing themselves on the leg press. If I looked up and...
Old fashion advertising can still work
Sure, Seth Godin owns the market on viral marketing. He believes that targeting the masses is a waste. I don't disagree that targeting marketing...